Configure App Registration for Dynamics 365

The following are instructions for setting up EasyTerritory using the EasyTerritory forms-based authentication with Dynamics 365.  Under this configuration, the EasyTerritory is prompted for EasyTerritory creds to log into the application, then prompted for Dynamics 365 credentials when adding a view from Dynamics.

NOTE: An alternative approach to this authentication model is to setup EasyTerritory with Azure Active Directory.  Instructions for those configuration steps can be found here.  Otherwise, follow these steps to

Step 1: Create an App Registration in the Azure portal > Azure Active Directory.

  • Under App registrations, select ‘New registration’
  • Create a friendly name to quickly identify the registration.
  • Select the scope of access for your organization.

Step 2: Add API permissions

  • Select ‘API permissions’ and ‘Add a permission’
  • Add the Dynamics CRM API

Step 3: Click ‘Delegated permissions and check the options and click on ‘user_impresonation’

  • Select ‘Gran admin consent for…’

Step 4: Select the ‘Manifest’ tab and set the ‘allowPublicClient’ property to true and click ‘Save’.

Step 5: Browse to Azure Portal > Enterprise Applications > All applications

  • Select ‘Users and groups’ and ‘Add user/group’, to add a specific user or group of users. Lastly, select the checkbox next to desired user or group.

Step 6: Configure OAuth Configuration in you EasyTerritory App.

  • Browse to your newly created App Registration and copy the Application (client) ID
  • Browse to your EasyTerritory site and go to admin > settings.
  • Change the ‘Dynamics CRM authorization type’ from ‘Office 365’ to ‘OAuth’.
  • Enter the Application (client) ID from your App registration.

Step 7: Confirm everything is working correctly by opening up a Advanced Find project and enter your Azure AD credentials.