Refreshing Dynamics 365 Layers


Data from Dynamics 365 is re-fetched (refreshed) each time a user opens project with a Dynamics 365 layer.  EasyTerritory Enterprise  v3.67.00+ now supports enabling layers for auto-refresh. Auto-refresh is helpful if your data changes frequently throughout the day.  This support allows the user to manually re-fetch a layer or it can be configured to automatically re-fetch on a time interval.

If the user does not wish to use the auto-refresh feature, data can still be updated in EasyTerritory using the manual refresh option. Simply click the “refresh” button in the layer configuration:

However, for many use cases the data is updated so frequently that the user might prefer the data on the map to refresh automatically. For this you can use the auto-refresh feature.

Auto-refresh supported layer types:

Take note, only the following layer types support the auto-refresh feature:

  • Server layers
  • Client layers (cached local or not)
  • WMS layers
  • Custom layers that are of the new CRM support type (Dynamics, Salesforce, and Sugar). Note: Dynamics 365 layers require Azure AD to be enabled.

Example of enabling Auto-refresh for a Dynamics 365 layer:

Step 1: Bringing in a layer from Dynamics 365:

Step 2: Convert Layer to Catalog Layer:

Step 3: Enabling Auto-refresh:

There are two places where auto-refresh can be enabled:

  • Firstly, in the Admin panel, under the “catalog” tab, click on the layer on which you wish to enable the auto-refresh feature, and check the box labeled “Auto-refresh?”. Use this option if the Dynamics 365 layer has been converted to a catalog layer:
  • Or, auto-refresh can be enabled from the Dynamics 365 layer configuration in the project:
Step 4: Set the Refresh Interval

The refresh interval, the length of time between updates to the CRM layer and when the EasyTerritory layer refreshes, is automatically set to the same interval as the data-change polling notification. This number can be updated in the Admin panel under the “settings” tab: