Dynamics 365 Solution Configuration

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Configuring Azure Maps or Bing Maps


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Setup Documentation

The EasyTerritory components managed solution for Dynamics CRM contains a configuration page that allows you to easily update the settings that EasyTerritory Web Resources will use in Dynamics CRM.


There are several requirements that must be met in order to access the Solution Configuration page:

  1. You must have installed/updated to the EasyTerritory_Components Solution version 2015.07 (yyyy.mm) or later.
  2. The current logged in user must have the default System Administrator or System Customizer security role in Dynamics CRM.

NOTE: Once everything is installed, you will need to add any CRM users that will be accessing EasyTerritory to a newly created Security Role called EasyTerritory Users.


Once you are able to access the configuration page, there are several settings available.

  1. EZT Instance URL: This is the URL to your EasyTerritory Instance Example: https://apps.easyterritory.com/{INSTANCE GUID}/{INSTANCE TYPE DEV, TEST, APP}
  2. crmAdvFindLatFields: These are the valid SDK Field names that the Map View Builder will look for to identify Latitude values that it can be mapped. (e.g. address1_latitude, new_latitude)
  3. crmAdvFindLonFields: These are the valid SDK Field names that the Map View Builder will look for to identify Longitude values that it can be mapped. (e.g. address1_longitude, new_longitude)

Next, you will need to assign any users that will be using EasyTerritory from within CRM to a new security role called EasyTerritory Users. This will ensure that the user can read records from our newly installed EasyTerritory Settings entity.

Note: You can skip this requirement by adding read access to the new entity to your other security roles in CRM.