“Join Data to Layer” Feature

If you are an EasyTerritory user, then likely you are aware of the extensive layer catalog that comes out-of-the-box with EasyTerritory. You can access ZIP code boundaries, ZIP code center points, US county boundaries, US county center points, US state boundaries, as well as several layers representing international civic boundaries. What you may not be […]

EasyTerritory Keyboard Shortcuts

Are you aware of the various keyboard shortcuts available to help streamline your experience using EasyTerritory? Here are some of the most helpful shortcuts featured in EasyTerritory: For a quick zoom into a particular spot on the map, simply hold down the Ctrl key, click and drag an envelope on the map, and EasyTerritory will […]

EasyTerritory Announces Support for SugarCRM!

We are pleased to announce that EasyTerritory has been expanded to include integration with SugarCRM! SugarCRM customers are now able to map their records directly from their CRM into EasyTerritory, use EasyTerritory to update their records, and write their updates from EasyTerritory back into SugarCRM. Customers can use EasyTerritory’s ability to write back to SugarCRM […]