Configurable Query String Parameters

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Configurable Query String Parameters

Query string parameters can be used to load the EasyTerritory application in a certain state or to filter data.
Query string parameters are added to your base URL by adding a question mark (?) followed by your parameter list.

Base URLs:

  • On premises: http[s]://{Your Server}/app/index.html
  • Available for the cloud-hosted, Enterprise edition:[YOUR EZT GUID]/app/index.html

Parameters are written


and multiple parameters are separated by an ampersand (&)

Example:[YOUR EZT GUID]/app/index.html?noRolodex=true&noProjectSave=true

Where parameter values contain non-alphanumeric characters, including whitespace, they should be URI-encoded.
URI encoding involves replacing each such character with a % character followed by the ASCII hex value for the character. For example, a plain white space encodes to %20
The Javascript encodeURIComponent method is commonly used for this.

var url = myBaseURL + ‘?filter=’ + encodeURIComponent(layerID + ‘,’ + whereClause);

Important: These settings should not be considered security features. For example, although noProjectSave=true will prevent creating or saving a project, a user that really wants to create a project can simply edit the URL to remove that parameter.


This is used to pass a project id into the EasyTerritory at startup and launch the saved project if found.

This will launch a project browser at start-up listing all saved projects so one may be selected and opened.

search=[MapDotNet Layer Id],[your search text]
This allows a record search to be performed at project-load which will zoom to the records and highlight them.
NOTE: This requires loading a project at startup since the correct layer must already be included from the rolodex.

zoomTo=[MapDotNet Layer Id],[your where clause]
This is similar to search above except it only zooms to the bounds instead of populating the results-grid.
NOTE: This requires loading a project at startup since the correct layer must already be included from the rolodex.

filter=[MapDotNet Layer Id],[where clause (omitting ‘where’)],[MapDotNet Layer Id 2],[where clause 2]…
Provides a means to add a filter to MapDotNet layer requestors (Client and Server project layers) to pre-filter data.
This is different than the EasyTerritory filter function stylizers which filter data on the client in realtime from a full recordset.
Pre-filtering is on the requests to the server so that data returned is filtered before it is processed by the client.
This may be used to launch EasyTerritory in contexts where you are working on a predetermined subset of the data.

This parameter supports more than one filter.
NOTE: This requires loading a project at startup since the correct layer must already be included from the rolodex.

autoClassify=[MapDotNet Layer Id],[SQL Column Name]
This will execute an auto-classify operation on the specified layer at project load.
This method will find the project layer by its mdn id and the correct data column by its sql column name
NOTE: This requires loading a project at startup since the correct layer must already be included from the rolodex.

This will lock out the use of the rolodex.

This will prevent the rolodex from being launched at start-up but it is still available from within the application.

This will lock out the use of shape editing tools.

This will prevent the user from saving projects.