Follow these steps to upgrade your EasyTerritory Enterprise on-premises instance:
- Make a ZIP file backup of the following locations:
- C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory\www\sites
- C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory\Geocoder
- Download and extract EasyTerritory NoConfigs upgrade files (your EasyTerritory support contact will provide this to you)
- Open C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory
- Copy the contents of the EasyTerritory_NoConfigs\App folder into C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory\www\sites\App, and overwrite the existing files within the App folder
- The C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory\www\sites\App\bin folder may have some older, deprecated files that need to be removed separately, so delete the contents of the App\bin folder and copy in the .dll files from the EasyTerritory_NoConfigs\App\bin folder
- Copy the contents of the EasyTerritory_NoConfigs\MDNServices folder into the C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory\www\sites\MDNServices, and overwrite the existing files within the MDNServices folder. Be sure that the *.LIC (your license file) remains.
- The C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory\www\sites\MDNServices\bin folder may have some older, deprecated files that need to be removed separately, so delete the contents of the bin folder and copy in the .dll files from the EasyTerritory_NoConfigs\MDNServices\bin folder
- Open the Windows Services panel and stop the EZT Geocoder service so you can copy in the upgrade files
- Copy the contents of the EasyTerritory_NoConfigs\EZT Gecoder folder into C:\Program Files\EasyTerritory\Geocoder
- Restart the EZT Geocoder service in Windows Services panel
- Recycle the EasyTerritory Application Pools so that users can load the latest version