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We live, work, and play in beautiful Tallahassee, Florida.
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Tallahassee, FL 32309 USA
The EasyTerritory Feature Service is a REST endpoint that provides information about the territories in your EasyTerritory project. For instance, a developer could make a query and retreive information on a territory that a specific point falls in. Here is a list of the different parameters and options of this REST endpoint.{yourGuid}/MDN/rest/9.0/Map/{MapID}/Features/{LayerID}/WKT/{wkt or POST wkt}
document.cookie= "oitoken=stringValue";
url: "{yourGuid}/MDN/rest/9.0/map/EasyTerritory/Features/ProjectMarkupPolygons/WKT/POINT(-87.869591%2041.813992)?Format=JSON&ReturnShapes=0&ReturnTypes=0&Fields=Col1,Col2,Col3&EPSG=4326",
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json",
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
Below is a list of parameters and different options you can use to query the EasyTerritory Features endpoint.
Name | Format | Description |
MapID | ID of the map to query. | Always ‘EasyTerritory’ for cloud-hosted |
LayerID | ID of the layer to query. | ProjectMarkup |
WKT | Example: POINT(-87.869591%2041.813992) | WKT of the geometry to filter by. |
Name | Format | Description |
Format | {format} JSON or XML | Denotes the desired return type. |
ReturnShapes | {0|1(bool)} | Specifies whether to return shapes with the feature |
Fields | {field} repeatable | Denotes which fields on the features to get or post. |
EPSG | {SRID} | EPSG number for the projection in which data should be processed. |
BleedRatio | {float} range 1.0 to 2.0 | How far to look in other tiles for features on the current tile. |
ClipToRenderBounds | {0|1(bool)} | Specifies whether returned shapes returned should be clipped to the bounding box of the filter. |
UnitsPerPixel | {float} greater than 0.0 | Tolerance with which to simplify shapes, typically the units per pixel of the map display. |
Where | {escaped SQL where clause} | Where clause to append to the server where clause. |
MaxRows | {int} greater than 0 | Number of records to return. |
FilterOp | {operation} Intersects/Contains/NotIntersects/NotContains | Spatial filter operations |
buffer | {float} greater than 0.0 | Shape buffer distance in map units. |
KeyWord | {string} one of All, Distinct, Min, Max, Count, Quantile, Interval, MinMax | Default is ALL; all others are aggregation choices. Quantile or Interval return a row for each Quantile or Interval break. MinMax returns a row with min and max values. Many of these are only implemented for database stores. |
KWDetail | {int} greater than 1 | The number of breaks to compute when using the Quantile or Interval KeyWords. |
ReturnTypes | {0|1(bool)} | Specifies whether to return the .Net type for each field. |